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Friday, January 1, 2010

I Am a FAT Man!

I am a fat man. I am fat in the physical sense of the word. I am fat in the spiritual sense of the word. I am fat in the economic sense of the world (especially when you look at global economics). There is no getting around it, I am a FAT man.

So what can I do about that?

In early December I was consumed with a thought, a thought that to be honest I really didn’t like the thought of. I have been struck by how FAT I am – in all senses of the word and how much of a difference I could make by becoming a little less FAT. I thought about how many people I may be able to influence to join me in decreasing their FAT-ness too. That is when 210 in 2010 was conceived.

Recently my wife and I have been reading through Compassion International’s web-site and considering sponsoring a child who is most definitely not FAT, by any definition of the word. I have been struck by the thought that me decreasing my morning coffee and donuts would be sufficient to provide care, education, health and really a new life for a little child somewhere on this earth. If I were to become a little less FAT, I could actually make a difference in the life of a child, who would grow into an adult and bring their own children into the world. I could affect a generation or more of one family, by simply becoming less FAT.

So sponsoring a child as a family was step one, but step one was not the only step. Step two was a challenge – a personal challenge that I am undertaking but hopefully an inspiring challenge that will grip your heart so much that you will join with me and make a difference too.

The first part "210 in 2010" is my personal part of the challenge – the second and/or third parts are your parts, should you be inspired to join me:

Part 1:    By 20-10-2010 (20th October 2010) I aim to weigh 210lbs (which will be a drop in weight of approximately 100lbs).

Part 2:    If 210 people promised to donate $100 (essentially $1 per pound of me lost) to help the work of Compassion International that would be a gift to them of $21,000.

Part 3:    If 210 people promised to sponsor a child from Compassion International then that would be 210 lives that would be transformed, 210 families that would be rescued, 210 new generations of people who would be lifted from abstract poverty     and provided the basic essentials of health care, education, food and shelter.

If we collectively sponsored 210 children and donated $100 by 20th October 2010 then what a tremendous impact we could have globally.

So, there are 291 days until 20th October 2010.

Are you up for the challenge?

Here is a video of a child who was sponsored for a number of years getting the chance to meet his sponsor recently at a conference in Atlanta Georgia. There were 10,000 people witnessing this event that day and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. What a gift this would be for someone.

Jimmy's story - it could be yours

Here is the Compassion International web site. Please go through and review their policies and practices and make sure you are comfortable with their work before committing. Once you are ready to commit then the process for sponsoring a child is easy.Will you make a difference today?

Compassion International

"210 in 2010" – that is my challenge.

Will you join me?

Details of how you can join me for "210 in 2010" will be posted soon.

1 comment:

  1. Jason I will join you. As you know we (the Bowlding family) have a child from Word Vision. He has the same birthday as Marshall. Kinda of looks like Marshall too! I/we will sponsor another child but from compassion! We will be looking for a child that has the same birthday as Jonathan.

    Also I will support you in the wieght lost funding and I will join you. I started to excrises regularly now more so I started to get content with not working hard. I feel like I was doing just enough and not giving my all in a lot of areas of my life and being fit was one of them.

    You continue to inspire me in more ways then one. You are a great friend to me and I am proud of you bro!
