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Friday, January 8, 2010

Ways to Lose 100lbs

So today began with a 9am gym session. Started on the treadmill, moved to the machines, finished with the recumbent bike and then sat back and waited for the delayed muscle soreness to begin. It didn't take long before it began, and I am really not looking forward to tomorrow, but the presence of this type of pain is actually a beneficial thing. My PhD used exercise to exhaust people's biceps muscles and then measured them every day to see what happened. Typically people had pain from 24-72hours following exhaustive exercise. We also had a few who lost 1/3 of their range of motion of their elbow for a few days and approximately 3% of people we tested ended up with swollen arms - up to a 4cm diameter increase.

So you see, I know what is to come with this whole exercise thing. However I also know that if you persevere through the discomfort that you will have these symptoms less and less. Knowing what is coming doesn't inspire me much, but at least it does prepare me.

As I was thinking about my quest I contemplated alternate ways to lose 100lbs. The quickest way would be to amputate one arm and one leg - never use that expression, it'll cost you an arm and a leg - other ways would be drastic dietary supplements - i.e. poo it away. The potential for leg numbness and toilet induced lower limb palsy doesn't inspire.

I did find this infomercial that certainly looks promising - for home liposuction. Now there is an idea. Get the Dyson out and lets get skinny.

I guess I will just do it the old fashioned way - sweat it out all over gym equipment.

I hope I can move in the morning.

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