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Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 2 - P90-X Is Dante's second level of hell

In Dante's Inferno he intricately describes his idea of various levels of punishment and pain as he describes different levels of hell. I think Dante was inspired by the fact that he was in the first week of P90-X.

I started this insanity yesterday with a back and chest work out that left me feeling like a T-Rex, short arms and all. I went to bed last night praying for the rapture and woke this morning still in bed, so that didn't work out did it? This morning brought with it the idea that today would be my first 'home' workout session and who knows what that would bring. I decided to do the plyometrics session in my living room for fear of other people at the gym wondering what the strange guy was doing on his own prancing around the otherwise empty and silent exercise studio. My fears were confirmed relatively early into the routine when my 4 year old exercised her gift of encouragement and yelled out, "Daddy, you look like a girl!!"

She was ok when she landed from the drop-kick, and she didnt really travel that far anyway. (joke!) I loaded the DVD, pausing only momentarily to consider watching the Berenstein Bears DVD that was already in the machine. After all, you dont want to rush into this exercise stuff too early. Undeterred though I soldiered on. The DVD began, I strapped on my heart monitor and started mimicking what was on screen before me. My 4yr old and 6yr old 'training buddies' kept up pretty well for the first 10 minutes or so but the little one was done when she did get stepped on for real, and yes it was an accident. There is no need to call child protective services.

The next 45 minutes was filled with squatting, sweating, jumping, panting, sweating, lunging, sweating, panting, gasping for air, jumping, twisting, sweating (did I mention that already?) and more bouncing about my living room. I looked at my heart monitor and by the end of the session I had burned 800 calories, and lost most of the feeling in my feet. But 800 CALORIES IN MY LIVING ROOM!! That was pretty awesome, except for the fact that I was downstairs and my clothes and shower were upstairs. I wasn't going anywhere today, I could just stay sweaty. I struggled upstairs like a man who had just finished his first marathon and who's legs had locked up. This was going to help wasn't it?

I made it to the shower only to be faced by the still present T-Rex syndrome. I tried to squirt shampoo in the air and then get my head under neath it before mashing my head against the wall in an attempt to not have to lift my arms up to my head, but that was unsuccessful. Eventually I was clean, sore and feeling like I could face the world.

Tomorrow is shoulders and arms and, joy of joys, the AB Ripper. I think I will head to the gym for this one. More to come in the next installment of adventures of a Fat Man and P90-X. This is worth it, isn't it?

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