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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Reaching An All Time Low

Wow! It has been a while since I was on here telling my story. A lot has gone down since my last post - including my weight. I hopped on the scales this morning and read the number 259.4lbs - I AM BELOW 260!!!

What a great feeling to know that despite traveling to a conference (not eating the best of stuff while there, nor exercising), almost traveling to Belfast (another long story that I will blog about on my other site) and then juggling my girls, my jobs and my life, that I have still managed to continue to drop my weight and reach an all time low weight for me. I dont think I have weighed in the 250's since I was in my 20's. So excited.

In other news: Dione and I traveled to Atlanta for the Orange conference - pretty great stuff, and I had the chance to meet with Ken Coleman from Catalyst and continue to share my journey on this adventure. He is working on a piece for Catalyst 2010 in October where all being well, I will have a chance to inspire more people to step up and sponsor. I also had the chance to hang out with Aaron Foster (one of the Catalyst team) and it was kind of strange to have people say, "Hey, you are the guy from the podcast! How's it going?" Going to check out some supplement stuff that Aaron uses so when we get to the summer and the last push to lose that final 30lbs or so I have all the right nutrients in place.

I met Mr Jinnohara, the father of one of my students, who lives in Hawaii and heard my story through the Catalyst podcast. That was a trip. it really brought home to me that through the power of media, this message is being spread and people are being inspired.

The most encouraging thing that happened recently occurred only a few days ago. I was sitting with some faculty colleagues in between meetings and they asked what my blog was all about. It was great to share with them my journey this far. Very exciting.

Finally for this little update - I received a message from one of our new sponsors who was very excited that she had received her first letter from her sponsor child. She was thrilled, and I was so happy that not only was her sponsor child now being cared for, but that her sponsor was also being blessed through the communication.

I do need some help though. If you go to a church that you think would be interested in sponsoring children and would allow me a short amount of time to share my story and provide opportunity for them to get involved then please, please, please get in touch with me. At this point I think there are somewhere around 70 children who have been sponsored through 210 in 2010, but my goal is to reach 210 by October. It is time to push the boat out and find more sponsors.

Thank you all for your encouragement and your support. This has been an awfully big adventure.

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